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Communication Specialist


Already writing and speaking on behalf of scaleup companies for 25 years, Rob is the communication specialist of Zeopore Technologies. He captures key messages and story lines related to zeolite innovations and communicates these to the general public and dedicated media in refining, petrochemical and emerging markets.


After having acquired a master degree in electronics engineering, Rob started working for technology companies in several research, development and customer service roles. He soon found out that his future would lie in marketing.

Rob has built a solid communication and marketing expertise in several hi-tech growth companies in sectors including chemistry, specialty materials, electronics, robotics, etc. He co-founded his own marketing agency, enabling to offer broader support in web design, social media and marketing strategy to his clients.


Rob enjoys operating at the heart of Zeopore. He translates the team's innovation and dedication into clear and convincing communications to the market, which have been an important element in the commercialization of Zeopore’s technology portfolio. Rob experiences this as a  fulfilling journey along the growth path of the company.


Zeopore Technologies NV is located on 'Haasrode Industrial Park' near Leuven in Flanders (Belgium), the largest petrochemical cluster in Europe. Innovation is at the heart of Leuven: in 2020 the city was awarded 'European Capital of Innovation' by the European Commission and its university heads Europe's list of most innovative universities.

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Zeopore Technologies NV

Interleuvenlaan 23

3001 Leuven


BE 0687.492.151

Business hours:

Monday - Friday : 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday : closed

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